Texas Today

Broad Oaks Consulting CEO Angela Burgess’ Advice for Success in ‘Are You on the Right Bus?’

Angela Burgess' Advice for Success in 'Are You on the Right Bus?'
Photo Courtesy: FemForce and Adobe Generative AI


Despite her dedication to making a positive impact, Angela Burgess often found herself wondering if her efforts were truly making a dent in the grand scheme of things. It’s a common sentiment, especially in a world where headlines often showcase extraordinary acts of generosity, leaving the rest feeling like their contributions pale in comparison.

But Angela’s story is proof that even the smallest gestures can ripple out and create meaningful change. In her captivating book, “Are You on the Right Bus? Navigating Change on the Road to Success,” she invites readers to join her on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Through her experiences, she introduced everyone to the remarkable individuals who helped shape her path and showed her the power of everyday acts of kindness.

Angela’s journey began in the world of wealth management, where she spent a decade helping individuals and families navigate their finances. But she soon realized that her true calling lay in a different direction – one that involved connecting people with their money and their passions to make a difference in the world.

With this newfound purpose, Angela founded Broad Oaks Consulting, an agency dedicated to empowering nonprofits to reach their full potential. From fundraising strategies to leadership development, Broad Oaks offers a range of services designed to help organizations thrive and make a greater impact.

At the heart of Angela’s mission is the belief that every individual has the power to change the world, one small action at a time. It’s a message of hope and empowerment that resonates deeply in today’s uncertain times. Through her work with at-risk youth, survivors of sexual assault, and prison ministry, Angela discovered the true power of compassion and empathy. 

For Angela, success is not measured in dollars or recognition, but in the lives she’s able to touch and the positive change she’s able to inspire. It’s a philosophy that resonates deeply in today’s fast-paced world, where people are often told that success is synonymous with wealth and status.

Navigating the path to success isn’t always easy, especially when you’re faced with obstacles and uncertainty. But Angela’s story serves as a reminder that with perseverance and passion, anything is possible. Whether you’re a nonprofit leader looking to make a greater impact or an individual hoping to leave your mark on the world, Angela’s book offers valuable insights and inspiration to guide you on your journey.

Angela Burgess' Advice for Success in 'Are You on the Right Bus?'
Photo: Unsplash.com

Today, Angela is living proof that success isn’t always about the destination but the journey itself. It’s about embracing change, taking risks, and never losing sight of the impact you can have on the world around you.

So, are you on the right bus? It’s a question worth pondering as you embark on your own path to success. And with Angela Burgess as your guide, you can rest assured that you’re headed in the right direction.

If you’re looking for inspiration or guidance on navigating the world of nonprofit fundraising and leadership, look no further than Broad Oaks Consulting and its founder, Angela Burgess. With a wealth of experience and a passion for making a difference, Angela and her team at Broad Oaks Consulting are dedicated to helping organizations break through barriers and achieve their fundraising goals. Follow them on Instagram at @broadoaksconsulting and @angelaburgesshtx, and connect with them on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/broadoaksconsulting and linkedin.com/company/broad-oaks-consulting. For more insights and updates, be sure to check out their Facebook page.


Published By: Aize Perez

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