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Grant Lira’s Guide to Reactivating Old Leads with SMS Campaigns

Grant Lira’s Guide to Reactivating Old Leads with SMS Campaigns
Photo: Unsplash.com

What if a single text message could reignite interest in your business from old leads? Grant Lira, alongside his brother Gavin Lira at The Empathy Firm, believes it can. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, reactivation campaigns are a goldmine waiting to be tapped. 

Here’s how the Lira brothers advise you to leverage SMS reactivation campaigns to breathe new life into your lead database.

How to Reactivate Old Leads Through a Reactivation Campaign

In the realm of lead generation, reactivation campaigns stand out as a powerful strategy to reconnect with prospects who have shown interest but haven’t yet committed. Grant Lira emphasizes that a good way to execute these campaigns is through SMS reactivation, particularly using software like Go HighLevel. The simplicity and directness of SMS make it an ideal channel for this purpose.

Step-by-Step Guide to SMS Reactivation

1. Prepare Your List: Start by gathering all your uncommitted prospects into a CSV sheet. Ensure this list includes their names and phone numbers. This is your target audience for the reactivation campaign.

2. Craft Your Message: The next step is to design a compelling message that will grab attention and rekindle interest. Here’s where personalization plays a crucial role. Grant Lira suggests using specific templates depending on whether you’re highlighting press features or podcast appearances.

For Press Features:

PROSPECT’S_NAME, have you seen this? We just got featured in PUBLICATION_NAME. Here’s the link: ARTICLE_LINK

This article the media wrote on us does a good job of highlighting some of what we talked about during our conversation a bit ago.

Also, I got a new number, it’s YOUR_NAME.

For Podcast Appearances:

PROSPECT’S_NAME, have you seen this? We just were on the NAME_OF_PODCAST Podcast. Here’s the link: EPISODE_LINK

This episode does a good job of highlighting some of what we talked about during our conversation a bit ago.

Also, I got a new number, it’s YOUR_NAME.

3. Send the SMS: Using Go HighLevel or a similar platform, import your CSV file and send out the personalized SMS messages. The automation capabilities of these tools make it easy to reach a large number of prospects at the same time while maintaining a personal touch.

The Power of Personalization

The Lira brothers stress the importance of personalization in these messages. By addressing the prospect by name and referencing past interactions, you create a sense of familiarity and relevance. This approach significantly increases the likelihood of re-engaging the prospect.

Why SMS Works

SMS reactivation campaigns are particularly effective because of the high open and response rates associated with text messages. Unlike emails, which can get lost in crowded inboxes, SMS messages are typically read within minutes of being received. This immediacy makes SMS a powerful tool for reactivation.

Ensuring Compliance

It’s crucial to note that you must have permission to send SMS messages to your prospects. This means they should have opted in to receive communications from you. Compliance with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is essential to avoid legal issues.

Measuring Success

Grant Lira advises tracking the performance of your reactivation campaigns. Key metrics to monitor include open rates, response rates, and conversion rates. Analyzing this data will help you refine your approach and improve future campaigns.


Reactivating old leads can be a game-changer for your business, and SMS reactivation campaigns are a highly effective strategy to achieve this. By following the insights and methods shared by Grant Lira and The Empathy Firm, you can turn dormant prospects into active clients. The key lies in personalization, leveraging press and podcast features, and ensuring compliance with SMS regulations. 

With the right approach, a simple text message can reignite interest and drive conversions, proving that sometimes, less truly is more.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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