Texas Today

Texas Legislature Quiets Down, But Political Rumblings Remain

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AUSTIN, Texas – The halls of the Texas State Capitol may be less crowded this year, as the Texas Legislature operates on its biennial schedule and is not in its regular session. However, despite the official break, political maneuverings and the potential for special sessions mean the heartbeat of Texas politics continues offstage.

The Biennial System: Why Texas Meets Every Other Year

Texas is one of only a handful of states with a legislature that meets every other year. This system has its roots in the state’s history, where long distances and limited transportation made frequent legislative sessions impractical. While the state has modernized, the tradition remains, creating a unique rhythm to Texas lawmaking. Regular sessions occur in odd-numbered years for a constitutionally-limited 140 days.

Special Sessions: The Governor’s Tool

While regular sessions are off the table in 2024, the potential for special sessions always looms. Texas’s governor holds the exclusive power to call special sessions, which are limited to 30 days in length and must focus on specific issues outlined by the governor.

In recent years, governors have used special sessions to tackle pressing matters outside of the regular session window, or to force the legislature to reconsider issues that failed to pass.

Committee Hearings: The Work Behind the Scenes

Even during non-session years, legislative committees continue to monitor issues, gather information, and draft potential legislation. These hearings often fly under the public’s radar but are critical steps in shaping future laws. Committee topics can offer clues to the priorities that politicians have in mind, even if bills won’t be formally considered until the next session.

Why Texans Should Stay Engaged

While the spectacle of a full legislative session is absent, this non-session year offers Texans a different type of opportunity. It’s a chance to:

  • Research Key Issues: With less legislative noise, citizens can focus on understanding the complex issues facing Texas, from property taxes to education to infrastructure.
  • Contact Representatives: Even outside of sessions, state representatives and senators are still accountable to their constituents. This is a time to make your voice heard directly on issues that matter to you.
  • Track Committee Activity: Monitor the agendas of key legislative committees to gain insight into potential future legislation, giving you time to prepare to support or oppose bills as they arise.
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