Texas Today

Typical Texas Business Woman Steps Out on Faith to Serve 300 Foster Families and 300 Homeless People this Easter Weekend

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Houston, TX — Hoodies4Healing founder Rosemary Tucker knows about tough times. A few years ago, the mompreneur and owner of Blessties got the worst news of her life when doctors said her daughter would die of a brain tumor. Rosemary hit her knees and called out to Jesus. That day, she promised to serve His children if He saved her little girl. Today, her college-aged daughter is alive and grateful, and in repayment, each Sunday since 2020, she serves 300 unhoused people – that’s over 40,000 meals to people in need.

This Easter weekend, the Hoodies4Healing team is leveling up their efforts with back-to-back fellowships, setting the stage for a double blessing for the hundreds of souls who want a hot meal, a smile, and a touch from God. Rosemary remarks, “We are His hands and feet on earth, so I put my hands into making hot meals for His children.”

On Saturday, April 8, 2023, founder RoseMary Tucker and her team of dedicated good Samaritans will pitch their tents and put up their tables at 18039 FM 529 Rd. Suite D, Cypress, TX 77433. This event will honor and thank the foster parents who give of themselves in the community to help precious little children. With nearly 30,000 kids in foster care in the Lone Star state, Rosemary wants to thank those families who opened their hearts and homes.

The next day, on Easter Sunday, April 9, RoseMary and the Hoodies4Healing team will assemble again. This time at 95 North Hamilton St., across from the Star of Hope (1811 Ruiz St, Houston, TX 77002) in the adjacent parking lot. This is their regular spot for serving the homeless every Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., rain or shine. The two mega events combined will feed 600-plus people.

Texas Business WomanRosemary describes herself as a “voice for the homeless, hungry, and hurting.” But Rosemary says, “It takes just one person to be that smile.”

Hoodies4Healing is soliciting volunteers and donations for these much-needed outreach events. A monetary gift of just $20 (the cost of a fast-food entree) could afford a sumptuous hot meal to a downtrodden, hungry soul and encourage them along the way. Rosemary and the team know that many hands make light work. Hoodies4Healing would appreciate any time or talent volunteers can give, including local caterers who want to donate food to make these two events a huge success.

In a world where we often focus on our own needs and wants, Rosemary and Hoodies4Healing is a heartwarming inspiration to many. Showing that charity goes above and beyond to heal communities, it is through initiatives such as these that touch the lives of many, and cement themselves as a formative experience.

For more information, please contact RoseMary Tucker at Phone: 346-462-1601 or Email: Hoodies4Healing@gmail.com or visit Website: www.Hoodies4Healing.com.

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