Texas Today

Austin’s Infinite Recovery Doubles Treatment Capacity with Addition of Legacy Ranch

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When you are struggling with addiction, having access to a rehab facility can be the difference between life and death. Michael Dadashi knows this all too well. In the early 2000s, Michael was an addict, and Austin Recovery was one of the facilities that helped him to get clean.

Today, Michael, who has been sober for more than a decade and is the CEO of Infinite Recovery, a holistic wellness center in Austin, Texas, that offers a full continuum of care and mental health treatment to those dealing with addiction. After hearing that Austin Recovery was being forced to close due to lack of funding, Michael knew he had to do something. He could not stand the thought of the facility not being there to continue to serve the community.

Now, Michael is reopening Austin Recovery as part of Infinite Recovery. It will be called Legacy Ranch, a name that Michael chose to remind him that the work he is doing there is the legacy of those who were there to help him. The additional space the facility provides allows Infinite Recovery to increase the number of beds it has available for serving patients from 40 to 80.

“Austin Recovery has been a staple in the recovery community for many, many years,” Michael says. “It helped countless families, so losing it was a big loss. We are excited about being able to hit the ground running again in the facility, resurrecting something that has already proven to be beneficial to the people in our community.”

Statistics on drug abuse from 2019 — the latest provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse — reveal that more than 20 million people in the US were diagnosed with a substance use disorder (SUD) during that year. Of those, however, only 10.3 percent received treatment. Lack of available treatment in the immediate geographic area is commonly cited as a barrier that stands in the way of people receiving treatment for SUDs.

The Drug Enforcement Administration has cited Austin as one of a handful of cities that has been dramatically affected by the recent fentanyl overdose epidemic. In 2021, more than 100,000 people died of drug overdoses or drug poisonings in the US, with 67 percent of those deaths related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl. During that period, there were more fentanyl-related deaths in the US than gun-related and auto-related deaths combined.

“This fentanyl epidemic is killing our community,” says Robin Lindeman, Executive Director of Infinite Recovery. “The opening of Legacy Ranch is going to allow us to double our capacity, which means doubling the ability that we have to serve those who are seeking treatment and help those who are suffering.”

For those seeking treatment either for themselves, a family member, or a friend, Michael recommends choosing a facility that takes a holistic approach to recovery. Research shows that the relapse rate for SUDs ranges from 40 to 60 percent. The most successful treatments, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, are those that holistically treat the needs of the whole person.

“It’s not just one-size-fits-all when it comes to recovery,” Michael explains. “Everyone has a unique journey, with unique experiences and unique trauma. Effective treatment involves treating the whole person — mind, body, and spirit.”

In fact, Infinite Recovery’s programs take into account eight dimensions of wellness when providing treatment. The eight dimensions were defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which was established within the US Department of Health and Human Services in 1992 to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. They include emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social wellness.

“We provide a treatment curriculum that touches on all of SAMHSA’s dimensions of wellness,” Robin says. “By tailoring each patient’s program to address wellness as a whole, we do everything possible to help them recover and live a fulfilled life. We are treating the uniqueness of each individual, meeting people where they are to provide quality care.”

Another important factor in effective treatment is establishing a comprehensive continuum of care. This ensures that there are no gaps in the journey from intervention to recovery and beyond.

“Our goal at Infinite Recovery was to create an ecosystem for recovery that provided patients with long-term support,” shares Michael. “We have intensive outpatient programs that provide both group and individual counseling and sober living programs. We even have alumni programs designed to show former patients what healthy recovery looks like. If they want it, our patients will have our support for the rest of their lives.”

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