Texas Today

How To Get Hired in a Down Economy


When the economy changes, businesses must adapt to survive. If the new economy is in a downswing, companies that want to stay afloat often need to adjust their staffing. They may seek a leaner payroll by implementing layoffs and reducing their employees’ hours.

Getting hired in a down economy is hard, but it isn’t hopeless. There are several things you can do to increase your chances of finding and securing a good job even when most companies are reluctant to hire.

Get hired in a down economy by learning in-demand skills

When the economy slows down, a company’s cash flow typically will slow down, too. That means a company will be looking to hire people with the skills to increase revenue or cut costs. Michael Gibbs, CEO of Go Cloud Careers, points to cloud architects as an example of a position that can do both.

“The cloud architect helps with digital transformation,” Michael explains. “They design solutions that help businesses become more efficient with technology, which in turn helps a business to be more profitable. So, in a down economy when businesses are struggling to profit, they look towards cloud architects to improve their business performance. Cloud architects also can help take things from the network and the data center to the cloud, which can often do things better, faster, and cheaper.”

Go Cloud Careers is a career development company that focuses on training students in the technical competencies and soft skills necessary for securing cloud computing jobs. Go Cloud’s cloud architect and cloud engineering programs, which leverage Micheal’s 25 years of industry experience and 20 years as a technology career coach, have an incredible success rate at getting six-figure jobs for graduates that complete all program requirements.

Michael also points out that the cloud architect is a revenue generating position, rather than a cost center. 

“Cloud architects work in a pre-sales environment,” Micheal says. “When they meet with customers and sell them on designs, they’re bringing business into their company. During a down economy, businesses will always consider hiring those with the skills to add to a company’s bottom line.” 

While cloud architects are revenue generating positions, the opposite is true of backend, or back office, personnel.  Backend employees are critical to the long term survival of the business, but they are the first to be let go in a down economy because they cost, rather than raise, money. This is especially true of positions that are ripe for outsourcing, such as backend engineering or software development. Businesses save money by outsourcing these jobs to parts of the world where there is ample skill available at lower costs. Because of this, getting hired in a down economy may require that you shift your goal from a position seen as an expense to a revenue generating position.

Get hired in a down economy by highlighting your career agility skills

Career agility skills are the kind of skills that are applicable and valuable regardless of the position that you are seeking. They include leadership skills, presentation skills, communications skills, sales skills, social skills, emotional intelligence, empathy, and executive presence.

During a down economy, these are exactly the kind of skills that companies want to see in a potential hire. A down economy impacts a company’s morale as much as their revenue. Lower morale often means lower work performance. If not managed, low morale can lead to toxic negativity and a lot of unproductive tension in the workplace.

“Good companies know that someone with proven leadership skills can bring out the best in others, which results in higher morale and better work performance,” Michael explains. “Someone with high emotional intelligence can defuse tense situations and lighten the mood. Someone with polished communication skills can help to craft and deliver the challenging messages that often must be delivered to employees in a down economy.”

Get hired in a down economy by showing up with solutions

Does your resume reflect that you understand and are ready to address the special challenges companies face in a down economy? If not, you should update it to highlight the skills, such as those mentioned above, that position you as the solution for a company’s most pressing problems.

Regardless of the position you are seeking, make it clear that you are flexible, adaptable, and aware of the special effort that will be necessary to help the company get through a challenging time. Show that you know how to increase revenue, increase productivity, and bring out the best in others.

Get hired in a down economy by upgrading your attitude

Likability is always a factor when it comes to getting hired, but especially during a down economy when managers are dealing with more than their share of angry, frustrated, and anxious people.

“When it comes to getting hired in a down economy, the likability factor plays a key role,” Michael says. “Upgrade your attitude. How you treat others is critical. How do you make other people feel in your presence? Nobody likes an arrogant or pushy person, even when times are good. Come across that way to a potential employer during a down economy and you will quickly be passed over.”

Job hunting in a down economy is not for the faint of heart. Still, there are positions that every company must continue to fill. Leveraging your relevant skills or pivoting to acquire those that are in demand can help you to beat the odds and get a job in a down economy.

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