Texas Today

A Guide to Preparing Your Yard for Spring Migration


Spring migration is an exciting time of year for birders and nature lovers alike. As birds flock to their breeding grounds in the northern hemisphere, they often stop along the way to rest and refuel. As a way to help our feathered friends, it’s important that we make a few adjustments in our yards. 

In an interview with Nicole Netherton, Executive Director of Travis Audubon, meteorologist Kristen Currie was able to gather some helpful advice for the public in anticipation of the spring migration.

Keep Your Feeders Clean

It is important to keep your bird feeders clean to ensure that your feathered friends stay healthy. Clean feeders will help prevent the spread of bacteria and diseases among birds. Cleaning your feeders often will also keep the birds coming back for more.

To start, it is best to use warm, soapy water to scrub the feeders and remove all the debris and dirt. Rinse the feeders well to remove any soap residue and dry them completely before refilling them with fresh seed. Additionally, it is important to empty and refill feeders at least every two weeks so that the seed does not become stale.

Regularly inspecting your feeders for any signs of mold or damage is also important to ensure the safety and health of the birds. If you notice any signs of damage, it is best to replace the feeder right away to avoid potential hazards.

If you notice mold growth, you can soak the feeder in a bleach-water solution and scrub it with a stiff brush to remove the mold. Remember that it is essential to rinse the feeder thoroughly afterward and dry it before refilling. Keeping your feeders clean will help ensure that your feathered friends have a safe and healthy environment to feed in.

Regularly Refill Your Bird Baths

Regularly refilling your bird baths is an important part of preparing your yard for spring migration. Bird baths provide much-needed water sources for birds during their long journey, helping them to stay hydrated and healthy. 

Refilling bird baths also give migrating birds a place to bathe and preen, which can help to keep their feathers in good condition for flight. Keeping bird baths filled with fresh water helps to ensure that migrating birds have access to the resources they need to make it through their journey.

To make sure your bird bath remains a reliable resource for migrating birds, it should be refilled at least once a week. If the weather is particularly hot, more frequent refills may be necessary. 

Additionally, it’s important to keep bird baths clean by scrubbing them with a brush and detergent at least every few weeks. Doing so will reduce the risk of disease and parasites, helping to keep your feathered guests safe and healthy during their travels.

Provide Leaf Litter

Leaf litter provides essential habitat for many species of birds. It can provide shelter from predators, places to hide from the elements, and even food sources. Leaf litter also provides a source of organic matter, which helps to promote healthy soil and plant growth.

When preparing your yard for spring migration, adding leaf litter can be a great way to make your space more hospitable for the birds. Leaf litter can be easily gathered from nearby trees and bushes and spread around your yard. Doing this will provide a safe and comfortable environment for your feathered friends.

Final Thoughts

Preparing your yard for spring migration is a great way to make sure that the species of birds in your area can comfortably and safely migrate. By setting up a bird feeder, bird bath, and leaf litter, you can provide the necessary resources for them to rest and recuperate during their journey. Taking the time to prepare your yard for the spring migration season can make a huge difference for the bird species in your area and will help ensure that the birds that migrate through your yard can safely continue their journey.

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