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Dashboard Drum Solos: Embracing Your Inner Rock Star While Stuck in Traffic

Photo Credit: Unsplash.com
Photo Credit: Unsplash.com


Why Do We Do It?

Admit it – we’ve all done it. That moment you’re stuck in traffic, a killer beat invades your car stereo, and suddenly your hands instinctively abandon the steering wheel to unleash an epic drum solo upon your unsuspecting dashboard. There’s something undeniably satisfying about transforming that mundane commute into your own private concert arena. Let’s explore the phenomenon of dashboard drumming, the perfect songs for it, and that fleeting flush of embarrassment when an unsuspecting pedestrian catches you rocking out.

There’s a primal joy in creating rhythms, and your dashboard just happens to be a conveniently located percussion instrument when the urge strikes! Music has a profound effect on our emotions; a driving beat can be infectious, making it near impossible to stay still. “Dashboard drumming is about more than just passing the time,” suggests a music therapist, “it’s a spontaneous expression of energy and a way of connecting with the music on a visceral level.” Plus, let’s be honest, it’s way more fun than honking angrily at the car in front of you.

The best songs for dashboard drumming boast a contagious beat, dynamic changes, and a dash of attitude. Classic rock anthems with their booming drum intros are a natural fit – think Queen’s “We Will Rock You” or Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir.” Drum-heavy hip-hop tracks provide an irresistible rhythmic foundation. If electronic music is your jam, its pulsating rhythms are perfect for transforming your dashboard into a drum pad. There’s no shame in a bit of headbanging while your drumming, either – no one’s judging (except maybe that person at the crosswalk).

The Catch: You’re Not as Incognito as You Think

Here’s the thing about dashboard drumming – that car offers a deceptive illusion of privacy. You’re rocking out in your own little world, oblivious to the outside. But then, you lock eyes with the bemused pedestrian crossing the street, and a wave of self-consciousness washes over you. Did they hear your questionable rendition of that Bonham drum solo? The windows are up, but somehow you feel utterly exposed. Part of the fun (and slight mortification) of dashboard drumming is that moment your realize your private concert is a bit more public than you intended.

While the dashboard is the classic drumming surface, it’s not the only option in a pinch. Stuck at a long red light? Your thighs become surprisingly decent bongo drums. Waiting at the drive-thru? That empty soda cup transforms into an impromptu shaker. Necessity becomes the mother of percussive invention when you’re overcome by the urge to unleash your inner drummer.

Tips for Taking Your Dashboard Drumming to the Next Level

  • Air Drumming Warmup: Think of those dashboard drumming sessions as your own private percussion Olympics. You wouldn’t just launch into a marathon without stretching first, would you? Get those arms warmed up and ready for their drumming workout with some air drumming warmups. Flail those invisible sticks, get those wrists loose – you want to be in peak form before your hands hit that vinyl!

  • Don’t Neglect the Vocals: Dashboard drumming is just one component; the true car concert experience requires a killer vocal track. Think karaoke on steroids. Belt out those lyrics with abandon, execute that dramatic hair toss while nailing the power ballad high note, and consider the steering wheel your microphone (just maybe keep a hand on it at the turns). Bonus points for emotionally invested facial expressions visible to drivers in neighboring cars!

  • Know When to Fold ‘Em: Timing is everything. Dashboard drumming in the midst of rush hour traffic where everyone’s already on edge? Maybe save the Neil Peart tribute solo for a less stressful drive. And remember, while your drumming skills might be epic, they’re unlikely to magically make that traffic jam disappear. Channel your energy productively, and wait until you have a bit more space (and sanity) to rock out.

  • Embrace the Silliness: The most important rule of dashboard drumming? Don’t take yourself too seriously! At its core, it’s gloriously silly. The more earnest you are, the more absurd the whole spectacle becomes. Lean into the absurdity, laugh at yourself, and be fully prepared for the shocked stare from the dog walker you enthusiastically headbanged at during the guitar solo. It’s all part of the glorious dashboard drumming experience!

If you’ve ever caught yourself tapping out a beat on your dashboard, don’t worry, you’re in good company. It’s a quirky, universal impulse proving that even the most mundane traffic jam can be transformed into an opportunity to release your inner rock star. So, next time you’re stuck behind the wheel, crank up those tunes, ignore the bewildered glances from pedestrians, and unleash your dashboard drumming fury! Just remember to keep a grip on the wheel in the event of surprise tempo changes in the song.

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